Honghao Lyu

Robot Teleoperation

Ph.D. student




PhD in Mechatronic Engineering at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, advised by Prof. Geng Yang. I was also a visiting Ph.D. student with Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, advised by Dr. Zhibo Pang. I worked as a guest researcher for one year in the Lab of Intelligent Communication & Robotics with Prof. Alf Isaksson at ABB Corporate Research Center, Vasteras, Sweden.

My research interests lie in Robot teleoperation, Dual-arm Manipulation, Human–robot Intelligent Interface, Wireless Robot. My research goal is to develop a robust robotic system that can reproduce the operators' operation intention.

Email / CV_23.11 / Google Scholar / instagram / ResearchGate


• [2023/12] I have passed the Ph.D. defense, finally Dr. Lyu is coming.
• [2023/11] My Ph.D. Dissertation has passed the double-blind review.
• [2023/07] Our paper has been selected as the Best Student Paper Finalist Award in ICIRA 2023.
• [2023/03] One Paper is accepted by ICIRA 2023.
• [2022/10] Our paper has been selected as the IEEE IES Young Professionals & Students Paper Assistance Award in IECON 2022.
• [2021/05] Our paper has been selected as the Outstanding Papers of of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) in 2022, 第七届中国科协优秀科技论文.


Slected Works:

(* indicates the corresponding author)

Impacts of Wireless on Robot Control: The Network Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Framework and Real-Life Comparisons
Honghao Lv, Zhibo Pang*, Koushik Bhimavarapu, and Geng Yang.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE TII), 2023
[paper] [video]

GuLiM: A Hybrid Motion Mapping Technique for Teleoperation of Medical Assistive Robot in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic
Honghao Lv, Depeng Kong, Gaoyang Pang, Baicun Wang, Zhangwei Yu, Zhibo Pang, and Geng Yang*
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (IEEE TMRB), 2022
[project] [paper]

Teleoperation of Collaborative Robot for Remote Dementia Care in Home Environments
Honghao Lv, Geng Yang*, Huiying Zhou, Xiaoyan Huang, Huayong Yang, Zhibo Pang.
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (IEEE JTEHM), 2020
[paper] [code]

Towards Intercontinental Teleoperation: A Cloud-Based Framework for Ultra-Remote Human-Robot Dual-Arm Motion Mapping
Honghao Lv, Huiying Zhou, Ruohan Wang, Haiteng Wu, Zhibo Pang and Geng Yang*
International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), 2023
[project] [paper] [code]

Keep Healthcare Workers Safe: Application of Teleoperated Robot in Isolation Ward for COVID-19 Prevention and Control
Geng Yang*, Honghao Lv, Zhiyu Zhang, Liu Yang, Siqi You, Juan Du, Huayong Yang.
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering(CJME), 2020
[project] [paper]

WristCam: A Wearable Sensor for Hand Trajectory Gesture Recognition and Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Feiyu Chen, Honghao Lv, Zhibo Pang, Junhui Zhang, Yonghong Hou, Ying Gu, Huayong Yang and Geng Yang*.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018
[paper] [video]

Full Publication List:

Full Patent List:

See ... CV_23.11

Robot Systems

Teloperated Dual-arm YuMi Robot

If you want to know more about the human-robot motion mapping details, feel free to contact me. Here, we propose GuLiM, a new dexterous teleoperation system to transfer the upper-limb motion from the human to the robot. On the left, we show our hardware setup with the initial motion capture device with the YuMi robot.

Hardware Setup

Motion Mapping Strategy

Experimental verification

Teloperated Dual-arm Robot used in Isolation Ward

This telerobotic system combines the strengths of healthcare workers (expert knowledge for patient care) with the strengths of robotics (social distancing and capabilities to work in hazardous environments) to give the best outcome to patients and healthcare workers. Implementation of the robot in the battle against COVID-19 has obtained positive feedback from healthcare workers for its potential in blocking infection and effectiveness in relieving medical workers from repeated tasks.

Hardware Setup

Functional Test

Verification in Isolation Ward

Teloperated Dual-arm Kinova Robot with Wheeled-Chassis

Here, an anthropomorphic dual-arm mobile robot named Herdsman for in-house grasping tasks is proposed. Inspired by the human behavior to grasp the object, an articulated torso is designed to perform human-like reaching motions. Additionally, an anthropomorphic reaching grasping movement generating method is proposed to achieve the task adaptability. The aim of this work is to enhance the capabilities and usefulness of service robots, increase the range of tasks that robots can perform, and improve their overall utility and effectiveness in home environments.

Hardware Setup

Movement Demostration

Teleoperation Verification

Homecare Robot that can Carry and Assist People

We integrated the design of a nursing-care assistant robot for aged-care at home that can not only carry people similar to a wheelchair, but also grasp the target object. The user can sit on the seat part in front of the nursing cooperative robot, and the dual manipulator makes corresponding nursing actions behind the user such as assisting in helping the user get up from the seat, fetching the target object, and so on.

Hardware Setup

Movement Ability

Homecare Demonstration

Collaborative works for safe human-robot interaction

During my PhD, I collbrated with my collogaes to build various verification robot platforms to test their self-developed robot skin for safe HRI.

Impedance Control

YuMi - Obstacle Avoidance

Kinova - Approaching Emergency Stop

Professional Service

• Conference Reviewer: ICRA, ICIRA
• Journal Reviewer: IEEE TII, IEEE RAL, IEEE RAM, IEEE JBHI, Scientific Report
• IEEE Society Volunteer: I have been selected to represent the IEEE R10 region (Asia and Pacific) as an IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Ambassador for 2023.

More About Me

Footprints in Conferences

I am actively engaged in academic/industry conferences within the field of robotics, participating as an attendee, author, or event organizer. This allows me to keep track of the forefront developments in the current domain.

ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China

IECON 2022, Brussel, Belgium

PTC 2021, Shanghai, China

ICFP 2021, Hangzhou, China

CCRS 2019, Shenyang, China

INDIN 2019, Helsinki, Finland

China RobotOP 2019, Ningbo, China

Selected Memories with Robot

During my traineeship at the ABB CRC Sweden, I have cherished various memories with different ABB products and robots. Most importantly, the bond I formed with my mentor and friends remains invaluable.

ABB Open Day

Single Arm YuMi

Mobile YuMi

During my PhD studies at Zhejiang University, I've had both positive and negative experiences with robots. However, the meetings with my team members working on robots will always be cherished as wonderful moments.

Dual-arm Kinova Robot in PTC 2021

Dual-arm Kinova Robot Repairing

Mobile YuMi used in Isolation Ward

Earlier Projects during Bachelor in CUMT, 2014-2018

Application of Face Recognition and Voice Control in Remote Smart Home System-(CUMT 2017.04-2018.03): This project is my 2nd SRTP project in CUMT. In this work, a smart home system is designed, in wihch the face recognition and vioce control tech. are applied. A patent of this work is granted and the protypo of this work won the 3rd prize in Virtual Instrument Contest of Jiangsu Province. Main contribution description: (1) conducted a face recognition system based on the Face++ & LabVIEW, and implemented this tech into NI myRIO for application; (2) conducted a remote voice control system using Node.js and Raspberry Pi, and realize the voice control using Siri based on Apple's HomeKit; (3) conducted a tele-monitoring system using MJPG-streamer & LabVIEW,which can realize the realtime monitoring of the home environment;(4) conducted a home environmental parameter acquisition system which can realize the monitoring of the temperature, humidity, strength of illumination and the air quality in home; (5) remote home appliance control system:Through the http transmission protocol, the combination of embedded hardware platform and labview realizes the remote real-time control of home appliances.

R&D of a portable friction coefficient tester-(CUMT 2016.04-2017.04): This project is my first SRTP project in CUMT. In this work, a prototype was built by the self-designed mechanical structure and data processing program based on LabVIEW, which has been tested successfully. I am in charge of designing the hardware circuit and programming the whole LabVIEW codes. Compared with most of the current brake friction test bench, it has the outstanding advantages and application significance, such as convenient installation, strong portability, greatly reduced cost, small and portable volume, strong field application ability, easy data acquisition.

Update: 2023.11

Credit: web source from Mr. Binghao Huang